Black Belt
The Tools of Six Sigma
Fundamentals of Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing (GD&T)
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In these days of severe competition, domestically and internationally, what is the continuous improvement program of choice for small and medium size companies? The answer is Lean Six Sigma. One methodology isn’t better than the other in this enhanced and blended program approach — each are powerful stand-alone programs. However, companies will realize the greatest financial and quality benefits by learning and implementing the proper integration of both methodologies in tandem. If your company has excess inventory, lack of space or lead time issues, Lean tools are applied to improve these challenges. If your company has reject, scrap, overall yield issues and service errors, Six Sigma tools are used to define, measure, analyze, improve and control (DMAIC) theses issues. Then both methodologies, Six Sigma and Lean, are continually applied in tandem to sustain the realized improvements and allow for a robust, continuous improvement program to take hold within your enterprise.
Quantum Leap Engineering (QLE) consults and develops customized Lean Six Sigma training programs to teach your workforce. QLE also works directly with the client to implement the improvements with your in-house continuous improvement teams, part of the on the job training process. Kaizens , an accelerated decision making and implementation methodology, is used extensively with clients. Clients enjoy the quick action of the Kaizen methodology. Over the first couple of years applying the Lean Six Sigma tools, companies see double and triple digit improvements in sales, profit, inventory reduction, space reduction, quality improvements, product cost reduction and lead time reduction as well as a highly motivated workforce.