QuantumLeapEngineering.com requires payment in full 15 calendar days prior to the start of a training class. Quantum Leap Engineering may cancel or reschedule any class 14 calendar days before the start of a training class and will make every attempt to notify the participants of the change. If the class is cancelled, the tuition will apply to a future class or be refunded 100 %. If the class is rescheduled within a 2 month period, the tuition will be applied to the rescheduled class. Quantum Leap Engineering Inc. is not responsible for any airfare/hotel penalties or other travel charges that may occur due to the change.
Refund Policy:
Please notify us in writing as soon as possible about any changes or cancellations by e-mail info@QuantumLeapEng.com. Tuition will be refunded less a 15 % processing fee for cancellations made at least 30 calendar days prior to the start date for the class. If Quantum Leap Engineering Inc. received a Purchase Order number and a written notice sent by e-mail for cancellation is received at least 30 calendar days from the start of the training class, an invoice will be sent for only 15 % of the training tuition to cover processing and other fees. Cancellations made at least 21 calendar days before the class starts will be refunded 50% of the tuition. If Quantum Leap Engineering Inc. received a Purchase Order number and a written notice sent by e-mail for cancellation is received at least 21 calendar days from the start of the training class, an invoice will be sent for 50 % of the training tuition to cover fees and expenses. No refund is offered for cancellations made less than 21 calendar days prior to the class start date. In some cases, tuition may be transferred to another QuantumLeapEng.com course attended within 6 months of originally scheduled date. All cancellation requests should be submitted in writing by email to info@QuantumLeapEng.com.
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